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The Two Main Factors For Success In A Network Marketing Home Based Business.
by: Nick A. James
People are a strange lot. People that are successful are often the biggest encouragers of others to help them also be successful. While unsuccessful or mediocre people usually discourage others from being successful. Mediocre people will say things like don’t waste your time, or those things don’t work. A large part of this negative attitude is because very few people want to see someone do better than themselves. It’s like if they can’t be successful they don’t want their friends being successful.

That is not what people need in a world of underachievers. In reality the Bill Gates' of the world should not be considered as super achievers, but as people simply reaching their potential in life.

Most everybody in life has the ability to really excel in one or more areas, but the overwhelming majority are born, and then die having never come close to achieving what they had the potential to accomplish.

Food for Thought: Why is it that the more someone achieves after they reach a certain point the more people will jump on their bandwagon to cheer them on to greater heights? No where is this more evident than the professional athlete, who can be argued has reached one of the top spots in his/her field. A rare breed indeed that fans will cheer for, in effect encouraging them to do even more. At least until the athlete starts performing below standard at which point they are often booed. It’s a funny fickle world we live in.

So what does this often do with a home business and network marketing? A good question and quite frankly the answer is something most people miss and as a result aren’t as successful as they could be.

There are I believe two main factors for success in a network marketing home business. Simply this:

First can the person be made to see it or get it. This is like trying to describe a first kiss to someone who hasn’t experienced it. But once you experience it for the first time you know it. But the best way to describe this is like a light bulb going off in your head, or one of those moments in school when you struggled to understand a math problem and then one day in a flash in came to you and you got it. Or an ah-ha! Moment! A person must be made to see that he or she has a unique opportunity to do very well with a particular product or company. At that point their success is almost guaranteed, as they will move heaven and earth to get what they want.

However, if they never get to that point it’s like a death sentence of failure.

The second critical thing to success is encouragement. In a world that so often tries to tear down people and discourage them from achieving their dreams and goals it is very important to encourage and root for those people in your home based network marketing business. Many of these people are too often downtrodden and discouraged from life and they would greatly benefit from someone rooting them on to the finish line.

You’ll get more than a paycheck, you’ll get the satisfaction of helping someone greatly improve their life.

About the author:
Nick A. James offers informative tips and information on nutrition, health and working from home. Get the Exclusive Free Report! -6 Steps to Simplify Your Life, Improve Your Health & Give You Dynamic Energy! His many years of Internet Marketing expertise puts him in unique position to help others starting a home business . For free newsletter, health blog , and cutting edge info contact him at:

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