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The "Why" Factor In Network Marketing Success
by: Greg Aldrich
In the popular Reality TV show, "Fear Factor", contestants recruited from across the USA compete in both physically and mentally challenging stunts for the grand prize of $50,000. These brave hearts dive through underwater mazes, jump from helicopters, and eat the most disgusting dishes served up with maggots, rotting cheese, pig's eyes and such. The natural question that comes to you as the viewer is, "Would I do that for $50,000?"

In fact, many contestants walk away from a chance to win the final prize out of sheer fear or disgust at the challenges. Yet the lucky winner often walks away with just a few bruises and an upset stomach but $50,000 richer than before.

The viewers get a peek into the mindset of the contestant through the answers given to the host's questions about why they wanted to be on the show. Many times it's just for the money-no surprises there- but other times there are 'more noble' reasons such as to get out of debt, pay for a child's college, or prove to other family members their stoicism.

When preparing for a stunt and during the performance itself, the host will often shout to the contestants a reminder of the prize they are working towards and their reasons for being there. This often proves a great motivator for some contestants who were about to give up.

This may just be Reality TV but there are many lessons here that can be applied to having a successful Network Marketing career. Just from viewing a few episodes of "Fear Factor" it becomes obvious that there are many contestants who entered just for the chance to be on television. Elimination at the first round is inconsequential because they would have accomplished their 'dream'. In the same way, there are many people who join a MLM opportunity just for the fun of it. They have no set goals, plans or burning desire to succeed. This is a sure recipe for failure.

Your chances for success in Network Marketing are only as strong as your "why". When faced with the challenging moments it's your "why" that will keep you going.

Even though money is a great motivator I can boldly suggest that it's not enough. Just think about it: we don't really need more money just what that money affords us. In fact, the most important things in life-family, health, love, freedom-can't really be bought. There is many a rich man who would pay his entire fortune to regain his health sacrificed to gain his wealth.

At the same, time there are many people who continue working into their retirement years because they enjoy the work even more than the monetary reward. Money is a lot, but it's not all.

Here is where goal setting becomes paramount because your goal is intimately attached to your reason for doing the business. If your 'reason why' is to get your kids through college then your goal will be proportionate to that reason. When obstacles get in your way then these setbacks are measured against your ultimate goal and your priority will become apparent in whichever wins: your goal or the temporary setback.

Many people approach network marketing with a lottery mentality. They hope that their investment will luckily pay off in some grand stroke of luck. But no business works that way. A good sponsor versus a recruiter understands their people's "why" and can use it to help them achieve focus and a long term plan. A strong "why" becomes like an anchor that sees network marketers through the highs and lows of doing the business. As Winston Churchill said, "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm".

We are often charmed and inspired by the 'rag to riches' story of people who overcame great odds and abject poverty to become very wealthy. What drove these people to financial success were not so much the prospects of wealth but the disgust with poverty. They hated their situation and they converted this hatred into a positive force that motivated them to take action. There was no looking back because they were too familiar with what was behind them.

History is replete with stories of people who overcame great odds to excel in their fields. Only recently, Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France for the seventh consecutive time despite his battle with cancer. Did you know that Beethoven was deaf and John Milton was blind?

A classical example of the results of having an unconquerable "why" is found in the life of one of greatest presidents of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. He failed as a business man, a farmer and in his first attempt to obtain political office. When elected to the legislature he failed when he sought the office of speaker. He failed in his first attempt to go to Congress. He failed when he sought the appointment to the United States Land Office. He failed when he ran for the United States Senate and failed when friends sought for him the nomination for the Vice-Presidency in 1856. But he was finally elected president in 1860.

Passionate desire and a strong will to succeed in spite of obstacles are far more important than raw talent. In network marketing it's not the gifted leader or speaker that reaches the pinnacle of success but ordinary people with extra-ordinary "whys," they MUST succeed.

Unlike in the "Fear Factor" TV show, to succeed in your own business you won't have to jump out of moving helicopters, eat beetles and slugs or walk a tight rope stretched between thirty-story buildings, but you must possess the same passion of a $50,000 winner. The great thing about Network Marketing is that there is room for more than just one winner ... and $50,000 is a joke when you really consider the number of millionaires this industry has produced.

So how strong is your "why"? Your answer to this simple question will determine your success in this home business venture more than any other single factor.

About the author:
Author Greg Aldrich is a successful network marketer. He attributes his success to his commitment to the success of others. Greg is one of the founding distributors in a brand new opportunity poised to be the next industry giant. For more information, please visit:

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